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managelogs - Piped logging program to rotate/purge Apache logs  


managelogs [ options1 ] <base-path1> [[ options2 ] <base-path2> ...]  


managelogs is a log processing program primarily intended to be used in conjunction with Apache's piped logfile feature. It automatically rotates and purges log files based on a set of user-defined options.

Features include :

- Rotation on a file size limit or time delay
- Rotation on an external signal
- Can run an external command in background each time a rotation occurs
- Purge log files based on a combination of global size limit, number of log files, and time delay
- Integrated on-the-fly compression,
- Maintains symbolic links on log files (active and/or backup),
- Can change its uid/gid to run as a given (non-root) user/group,
- Ensures that rotations occur on line boundaries,
- Maintains its state across stop/start/restart operations
- Supports reading its data from a named pipe (fifo)

A managelogs process continuously reads data (by default, from its standard input) and sends it in parallel to its log manager(s). A log manager should be considered as an output channel. Each log manager is defined on the command line by a set of options followed by a path named base path , as this path is used as the base other file names are computed from. Each set of '[ options ] <base-path>' arguments defines a log manager. The direcotry part of the base path is the base directory

There is no limit to the number of log managers a managelogs process can handle. They all receive the same data and each of them processes it according to its configuration.

Note: In most cases, and especially during your first steps with managelogs, you will define only one log manager per managelogs process, making no difference between the log manager and the managelogs process it belongs to.

A log manager manages an active log file (the file it is currently writing into) and a set of backup log files. Backup log files are previous active log files which have been closed during a rotation. The default behavior is to create the active and backup log files in the base directory, but an option allows log files to reside in another location.

Every time the global limits are exceeded, a purge operation takes place and the oldest backup file is deleted.

Each log manager also maintains a status file which, among other information, contains the paths of the active and backup log files. Thanks to this file, a managelogs process can be stopped and restarted without loosing its state. When a managelogs process is restarted, each log manager recovers the state it was in when the process was previously stopped.

Note : unlike other log management programs like rotatelogs, (re)starting the Apache server does not cause its managelogs processes to switch to a new log file. The only way to force a file rotation from the 'outside' is to send a SIGUSR1 signal to the managelogs process (see SIGNALS).

Another difference with other log rotation programs is that different processes cannot write to the same log file. A given base path must be privately owned and managed by only one log manager. If another program writes to one of the files maintained by this log manager, the result is unpredictable. The only exception to this rule is that backup log files can be deleted (but not written to) at any time without disturbing the logic of the purge engine.  


---- Global options (these options apply to the whole managelogs process) :

Display the list of available options and exit
Display current version and exit
-u|--user <id>
run with this user/group ID (usable only when the program is started by root)
<id> = <uid>[:<gid>], where <uid> and <gid> are user/group names or numeric ids.
Display internal statistics before exiting (used for troubleshooting, debugging, or performance tests)
Just refresh/purge log files and exit
-i|--input <path>
Read data from <path> instead of standard input.
See 'READING FROM A NAMED PIPE' below for more info on named pipe support.

---- Log manager options (apply to the next <base-path> only) :

Increment debug level (can be set more than once).
-d|--debug <path>
Write debug messages to <path>.
Special values : 'stdout' and 'stderr' respectively correspond to the process' standard output and standard error streams.
Default : debug messages go to stderr.
-c|--compress <comp>[:<level>]
Activate compression and append the corresponding suffix to the log file names.
<comp> may be gz or bz2 (this is also the value of the suffix appended to the log file names).
<level> is one of {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|best|fast}
Default compression level: best
-s|--size <size>
Sets the log file size at which rotation occurs.
<size> is a numeric value optionnally followed by a unit : K (Kilobytes), M (Megabytes), or G (Gigabytes).
Default: no limit
Note that the size we set here is the size the file takes on disk. If compression is turned on, the limit is checked against the compressed size.
-r|--rotate-delay <delay>
Sets the maximum delay between the creation of a new log file and the next rotation.
<delay> is a suite of patterns in the form '[0-9]+[dhms]' (d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds)
Example : 1d12h = 1 day and 12 hours (same as '36h')
Removes backup log files older than <delay>
Argument: same format as for '--rotate-delay'
-S|--global-size <size>
Sets the maximum size that the managed log files (active + backup) can take on disk. As soon as this size is exceeded, a purge occurs (the oldest backup file is removed).
Argument: same format as for '--size'. If this option is set and the '--size' option is not, the individual file limit is implicitely set to 1/2 of the global limit (so that the directory always contains at least one backup file).
Default : no global limit
-m|--mode <mode>
File permissions to apply to newly-created log files.
<mode> is a numeric octal Unix-style file permission (see chmod(1) for more).
Default mode: 644
-k|--keep <n>
Keep only <n> log files (the active one + <n-1> backups). This option is an alternative to the '--global-size' option, but can also be used in conjunction, especially if you send signals to trigger rotations before the size limit is reached.
-P|--log-path <path>
Use <path> instead of the base path when creating a new log file. <path> can be a relative or absolute path. If it is a relative path, it is relative to the base directory.
Maintain a link file (named <base-path>) to the active log file.
Also maintain links to the backup log files (backup link are named <base-path>.{B.001[.gz|.bz2],B.002[.gz|.bz2],...}, most recent first)
Create hard links instead of symbolic links.
Note: when using hard links with a separate log path, the base and log paths must reside in the same file system.
By default, managelogs ensures that log file rotation occurs on line boundaries, so that every log files contain entire lines. This option disables this buffering mechanism.
-C|--rotate-cmd <path>
Execute <path> in background each time a rotation occurs.
See 'ROTATE COMMAND' below for more info on this option
Ignore 'file system full' errors. This option causes managelogs to silently discard data when there is not enough free space to write it on disk.
Warning : This behavior should be activated only if you really understand the consequences, especially concerning possible log data corruption. If you are not sure, avoid this option.


Each log manager maintains its own set of files. The files are named after the log manager's base and log paths. The directory part of these paths must exist before managelogs is started. They must also be writable by the user managelogs is running as. By default, the log path is the same as the base path.

Here are the files that a log manager creates and maintains :

This file is present when a process is currently managing this base path. It contains the pid of the managelogs process. This is the file to read to know who to send signals to. When the process exits, the pid file is removed.
The status file. As described above, this file allows a log manager to recover its previous state at start time. This way, the memory of active and backup files is kept.
A log file. The <xxxxxxxx> part of the name is a unique identifier computed by the log manager when the file is created. When several log files are present, their alphabetical order corresponds to their creation time chronological order. So, when you list a directory in alphabetical order, the oldest backup log file comes first, and the active log file comes last, so that the 'cat <base-path>._*' command displays the whole log data in chronological order.
When compression is turned on, the log manager automatically appends the compression type to the file name.
If the '--link' option is set, the log manager maintains a link from <base-path> to the active log file. By default, it is a symbolic link, but the '--hardlink' option allows to use hard links instead.
These are also links, but to the backup log files. They are created and maintained only if the '--backup-links' option was set. The files are numbered in reverse chronological order : <base-path>.B.001[.gz|.bz2] is the most recent backup, <base-path>.B.002[.gz|.bz2] is the previous one...


This signal triggers an immediate rotation on every log managers attached to the process. Note that the rotation can cause the global conditions to be exceeded. In this case, a purge will follow.
This signal causes every log managers to flush to disk the data they may have in memory. This is especially useful for compressed streams, as compressed files cannot be read before such a flush operation is executed. This is due to the fact that a compressed file must contain a trailer block to be valid. As long as the compression engine processes the data, this trailer block is not written and, if you try to read the compressed data from the file, it is considered as invalid. When you send a SIGUSR2 signal to the process, the compression engine flushes the data it currently has in memory, writes the corresponding trailer data to the file, and starts a new block. Then, you can uncompress the data from the compressed file. Note that this flush operation adds about 16 bytes to the log file, so it shouldn't be done too often.
Causes the managelogs process to exit cleanly (flush data to disk, update status file, and exit). You will need this signal when reading from a named pipe as, in this case, this is the only way to stop the managelogs process.

SIGKILL should never be sent as it cannot be trapped and will create inconsistencies in the status file.  


Every time managelogs decides to switch to a new log file, whatever reason it may have for this, an external command can be executed. This is what we call the rotate command. This command is set via the --rotate-cmd option on the managelogs command line. The option value is the path of an executable file (binary or script).

This executable file is run in background and its return code is ignored. Actually, once launched, the subprocess is totally forgotten by the managelogs process. So, there is no limit to the time it may take, as it does not suspend managelogs execution.

The subprocess receives several environment variables from managelogs :

The path to the log file managelogs just closed. In a statistics gathering scenario, for instance, the data to integrate will be read from this file.
This is the base path associated with this log manager.
This is the directory part of the base path
This is the log path as the base path.
This is the directory part of the log path
This is the compression type used to write to the log file. If compression is off, contains an empty string.
The version of the log manager library.
The current time in Unix numeric format (number of seconds since 01/Jan/1970).

All the paths transmitted in these variables are absolute paths, even if relative paths were provided on the command line.

Note : During its execution, the rotate command is allowed to delete the file pointed to by $LOGMANAGER_FILE_PATH. You may do it, for instance, if you just want some statistics without keeping the detailed logs, or if you use the rotate command to transfer the log file to another location/server.

Also note that you shouldn't assume anything about the default directory the command is executed in. Either you explicitely set a default directory at the beginning of your script ('cd $LOGMANAGER_BASE_DIR' for instance), or you must use absolute paths only. Relative paths are supported on the managelogs command line because they are internally converted to absolute paths before being used.  


Although managelogs was primarily intended to be used with Apache, it can be used as a general purpose log managing program for a lot of other software. As these software generally don't support a piped logfile feature similar to Apache, an alternative is to connect them with managelogs through a named pipe (aka fifo).

In order to connect to managelogs through a named pipe :

- The pipe file must exist before both processes are started (mkfifo),
- If the writer process is started before managelogs, its write operations to the pipe can block after a given amount of data. This is why it is generally recommended to start the reader process (managelogs) before the writer. Actually, it is more natural, as, in such an architecture, the writer process can stop and restart while the reader process is supposed to remain untouched. The same when stopping the process: the correct procedure is to stop the writer process before the reader, to make sure that any remaining buffered data won't be lost.
- The '-i|--input' option must be used on the managelogs command line, followed with the path of the named pipe (if you redirect the standard input from the named pipe, managelogs cannot detect that its input is coming from a pipe).
- managelogs then automatically detects that the file it is reading from is a named pipe, and adapts its behavior (see below).

Note that managelogs explicitely checks the input file type. In other words, using the '--input' option does not automatically imply the 'named pipe behavior'. If the option is followed with the path of a regular file, managelogs will behave as if this file had been redirected to its standard input.

When managelogs is reading from a named pipe, it remains connected indefinitely, even after the process writing to the pipe exits. This way, both processes are independant : one or several writer processes can connect to and disconnect from the pipe (in turn) without disturbing the managelogs process. Although technically possible, you should probably avoid having several processes write to the same pipe in parallel, as the data coming from the different processes will be mixed in a way you cannot control.

The only way to stop a managelogs process connected to a named pipe is to kill it with a SIGTERM signal.  


Say we want to keep the last 3 Mbytes of access_log data in /var/log/httpd, each log file will take at most 1 Mbyte, and we want to maintain symbolic links to the active and backup log files.

The corresponding configuration line looks like :

CustomLog "| /usr/bin/managelogs --size 1M --global-size 3M --link --backup-links /var/log/httpd/access_log" combined

Here is a typical list of files present in the /var/log/httpd directory with such a configuration :

# ls -l $apache_dir/logs/access_log*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      20 Mar 17 15:16 access_log -> access_log._49BFB0A2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      20 Mar 17 15:16 access_log.B.001 -> access_log._49BF8366
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      20 Mar 17 15:16 access_log.B.002 -> access_log._49BF2522
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1048564 Mar  5 12:34 access_log._49BF2522
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1048543 Mar 17 15:16 access_log._49BF8366
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  483328 Mar 19 07:05 access_log._49BFB0A2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       6 Feb 22 08:30 access_log.pid
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     321 Mar 17 15:16 access_log.status
In this list you can see (in alphabetical order) :
- The symbolic link to the active log file
- The 2 symbolic links to the backup log files
- The 2 backup log files (in chronological order)
- The active log file
- The pid file
- The status file

Now, something more complex : we want to keep 3 Mbytes of uncompressed log data to be used by our 1st-level support team, as in the previous example, and we also need to archive a bigger amount of data for 2nd-level analysis, security, compliance, or any other need. This archived data will be compressed, as it allows to save a lot of space (usually more than 95 %).

The corresponding directive looks like :

CustomLog "| /usr/bin/managelogs --size 1M --global-size 3M --link --backup-links /var/log/httpd/access_log --size 100M --global-size 1G --compression bz2:best /archives/logs/access_log" combined

With such a configuration, the files in the /var/log/httpd directory will be the same as in the previous example, but managelogs will also maintain the most recent 1 Gbytes of compressed access log data in /archives/logs (in chunks of 100 Mbytes). This way, we have two levels of access to the log data : the most recent data is easily accessible and, when we need to examine something older, it is less easy, but the retention size is much larger.

Now, if we want to force an immediate rotation of these log files, whatever reason we may have for this, the command to use is :

kill -USR1 `cat /var/log/httpd/access_log.pid`

Note that we could also have used '/archives/logs/access_log.pid', as both pid files contain the same. The signal triggers a rotation in both directories.

Here is a typical example of using a rotate command :

First, we create an executable text file with the following content :

perl <awstat-dir>/awstats.pl -config=<mysite> -update -LogFile=$LOGMANAGER_FILE_PATH

This script integrates the rotated log file ($LOGMANAGER_FILE_PATH) in an AWStats database. To have managelogs execute it each time a rotation occurs, we add the '-C /path/to/the/script' option on the managelogs command line (remember to use only absolute paths with managelogs).

Note : This option applies only to a single log manager. If you are using several log managers (as in the example above), you can define different rotate commands for the different log managers.

As a complement, if we want the statistics to be integrated at least once per day, we can add '--rotate-delay 1d' on the managelogs command line.

Another way would be to create a cron job, executed every night :

0 0 * * * kill -USR1 `cat /var/log/httpd/access_log.pid`  


The managelogs web site : http://managelogs.tekwire.net  


Francois Laupretre <francois@tekwire.net>  


Apache license, Version 2.0 <http://www.apache.org/licenses/>  


Please send bug reports to <managelogs-bugs@tekwire.net>


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