managelogs Install Guide

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1. Installing a binary package
2. Installing from sources
     2.1. Prerequisites
     2.2. Building an RPM package
     2.3. Using configure/make
          2.3.1. Download
          2.3.2. Configure
          2.3.3. Compile
          2.3.4. Run self-tests
          2.3.5. Install
          2.3.6. Run
     2.4. Supported architectures


1 - Installing a binary package

Several binary packages are available :

Before installing a binary package, you need the following libraries to be present on the host (listed here with some usual package names) :

2 - Installing from sources

If you don't find a binary distribution corresponding to your environment, or if you prefer building the software by yourself, you will compile and install it from the sources.

There are two methods to compile the software : via the rpm build system, or through a more 'traditional' configure/make process. We'll start with the prerequisites, common to both methods and, then, detail each process.

2.1 - Prerequisites

Here is a list of software you need to compile managelogs, along with the corresponding package names on Redhat and Debian Linux distributions, and the location where you can get the sources if you need to compile them.

  Linux packages Sources
RedHat Debian
A C compiler (I personaly use and recommend gcc, but any ANSI-compliant C compiler should work) gcc
the make utility make
the APR library, include files, and the apr configuration script. apr-devel libapr1-dev
the Zlib library and include files zlib-devel zlib1g-dev
the Bzip2 library and include files bzip2-devel libbz2-dev

As far as I know, there is no requirement on the versions of these tools and libraries. I personaly built and tested managelogs with the following versions :

2.2 - Building an RPM package

If your system supports the RPM package system, this may be the easiest way to compile and install managelogs. You will also prefer building a binary RPM package if you want to easily deploy managelogs to a set of hosts without having to compile it on each of them.

Here are the steps to follow :

2.3 - Using configure/make

This is the 'manual' method.

Please note that this method builds and installs the software on a host, but, unlike the RPM-based method, does not create a package ready to be installed on other hosts.

2.3.1 - Download

Download the source package (the file ending in '.tar.gz') from Github and run :
    gunzip <managelogs-xxx.tar.gz | tar xvpf -

2.3.2 - Configure

Then, cd to the managelogs-x.x.x directory you just untared and run './configure'.

This will, by default, configure the software to be installed in /usr/local. If this is not what you want, set the '--prefix=' option. A lot of other options are available, run './configure --help' to list them.

Options specific to managelogs are :

The configure script checks for the needed libraries and include files, and create the Makefiles.

2.3.3 - Compile

Run 'make'

2.3.4 - Run self-tests

Run 'make check'

2.3.5 - Install

Run 'make install'. This will install :

2.3.6 - Run

If you just want to run managelogs on this host, without deploying it on other systems, the easiest solution is to keep the library packages you installed to compile it, as they include the runtime pre-requisites.

Of course, the build tree can (and should) be removed after the installation phase, as the runtime never uses it.

2.4 - Supported architectures

managelogs should compile and run on any POSIX-compliant system without modifications. If this is not the case, consider it as a bug and report it.

Windows users: Sorry, no Windows version at the moment...

Mac users : According to Softpedia, managelogs compiles and works without modification on Mac OS X. Unfortunately, I cannot try it by myself as I don't even know anybody owning a Mac. So, if you run managelogs on a Mac, I'd appreciate your feedback.

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